Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Person Making A Difference...

You all know what a believer I am in..one person's ability to make difference in the life of another.
I think no act of kindness..no matter how small is insignificant. Saying, "hi" to the cashier has the ability to have such a huge impact. Helping your neighbor with their trash...listening to a story you have heard 1000 times, smiling at the grumpy driver next to you, maybe buying a $8.00 headband...all of this..is needed. Everyone can do something! I wanted to share 2 inspiring stories of people who inspireed me this week!

So blessed by this email...This family just placed their 5th grab-bag headband order. I emailed her asking her if she wanted to pick one out this time...I offered her the grab-bag price for being such a rockstar! This is the response I got....Please ignore the part about me personally...just listen to her heart! WOW!

Nope-the surprise is half the fun! I am in love with this headbands and my family is as well- even my husband asks me to show him which one came today:) Here is the thing, I have 2 beautiful children and an awesome husband. I also just finally graduated from college with my social work degree. We want to adopt but right now is just not the time. Your headbands provide me a way to help. I love your blog- Your raw honesty brings chills to my bones yet inspires me. I look forward daily to reading your words. Sometimes I am cryong as I read your struggles and other times, I am laughing out loud as I share in your joys! Who knows if i have received a tacky one, because to me anything that is handmade has some beauty in it! I will continue to order them as long as you sell them. The organization is so important and in the time of highly paid basketball players announcing on national Tv where they are going to make their next millions and "movie stars" in court, it is refreshing to support someone who at the cost of alot is working selflessly to help others. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. If there were more people like you in this world, wow- what a world we could have!!! Have a great day!
I seriously have no idea who she is....(except for name and address:)
My point is...She gets it! Her family truly understands and is able to make the connection between just a $8.00 tacky headband purchase and making a difference in the life of another. She gets that she can't do everything...but doggonit they can do something! I love that. When I first started BEMM...this is the vision I had! So..thank you Amanda. Thank you Amanda's husband! Thank you for your support!

5 headbands left from the experiment and only 3 days to order. I did meet with Danette (the head of mt sweat shop of love ladies) and they are willing to sew another batch:) Wahooo...So we will restock soon. However, I am undecided if I will continue to do grab-bag for the $8. or post pics and let everyone choose for $10....this experiment will be the deciding factor. Maybe I will do both.

I also wanted to thank Layla. I never met her. I don't really know her...but she has blessed me by her willingness to do what it takes to play a part in something beyond herself. I love this. She went through her jewelry and decided to sell 75% of it to raise the $12 to buy a headband! And any additional $ will be donated to BEMM. Again..someone who gets it...they know they can't do everything..but they can do something! If you are a BEMM fan..you can bid on her jewelry on the BEMM page.

Anyway...3 days. 5 headbands..here they are

Chocolate Morning

Pink Argyle
Plum Paradise

Black Vintage

Fruit Stripe


Cassie said...

can i get plum paradise? thank you.

Cassie said...

duh. i figured it out. sorry! :)

Paula said...

I think I just cleaned you out. Can't wait to get them; they're cute.

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I love them! I so want a chocolate morning. I am thinking my girlfriends are going to get these for Christmas! When will you have more?

Layla Payton said...

Let me know when you get some more headbands made. I am ready to order. =0)

Molly said...

I'm wearing my headband right now!!! I love it!

steffany said...

I want pics Molly:)

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site toliveloveandlaughtoday.blogspot.com
Is this possible?