Monday, February 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I'm feeling super cool right now! I've been tagged! Thanks Emily! If you haven't already you should definitely start stalking her blog. She has a beautiful spirit, beautiful family, and absolutely loves the Lord!

8 things....

I'm passionate about:
1. God and His grace
2. My man! and striving to be the wife God sees me as.
3. My children! and striving to be the mother God sees me as.
4. My family and striving to be the best encourager to them.
5. Strangers and striving to be a bright spot in their day, so that the love of God is made apparent to them.
6. Africa!!!!!! and being used by God.
7. The Earth and finding ways to decrease the amount of stress we put on our planet God gave us.
8. Breastfeeding.

I want to do before I die:
1. Fulfill God's vision's for my life
2. Learn to live each day to it's fullest. So, when I lay my head down on my pillow I can sleep soundly knowing I didn't waste a minute or take anything for granted.
3. To really stop caring about what other people think.
4. See my children's children and their children.
5. Run a marathon (this is huge because I loathe running)
6. Learn another language other than pig latin.
7. Travel, travel travel!
8. Learn to fly an airplane.

Things I say often:
1. JaFaitMcKayLuka I mean, you- (if you have multiple kids you know that's me going down the list until I finally land on the right kid to get their attention)
2. Don't mess with the best cause the best don't mess don't full with the cool cause the cool don't full (I have no idea why)
3. Be a first time listener
4. I love you
5. silly nunu
6. I'm so blessed
7. Excuse me, when did we stop the rule of putting your shoes and coats in the cubby.
8. Go mama go mama go mama. It's my birthday( again, I have no idea why)

T.V. shows I watch

I don't have cable but the last time I was in a hotel I saw:

1. Some weird show with Snoop Dog
2. Some more weirdness with an African American girl looking for a man in New York or something.
3. Biggest Loser
4. My name is Earl ( I actually really liked it)

That's all I can come up with

Things that attract me to friends:
1. gotta have a sense of humor
2. honesty and being real.
3. down to earth.
4. being a little different
5. someone who when you see them they're like,"there you are" not "here I am"
6. A servant's heart.
7. can be goofy with me.
8. makes an effort to strengthen our friendship

Things I learned in 2007

1. "Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lords purpose that prevails"
2. I really do want a large family.
3. How to blog and you really can have best friends you never met.
4. That millions of people are dying when they don't have too.
5. that most people really do care, they are just easily distracted
6. How to plant 100's of tulips as an act of love
7. That I am no good at skateboarding.
8. Everyone can make a difference. No act of kindness is too small. God is a multiplier.

Wow, that was long!
I'm now suppose to tag some people, but since I don't want anyone to feel left out (I was always the last one picked in PE and it sucked) the first 3 people to leave a comment are it!
It would be really lame if no one left a comment, so even if you never leave a comment this is your time to come out of hiding, so I can get to know you too. Or for all of you that I know, I would still love getting to know you better:)


emily said...

I am exempt because I tagged you! That was really fun to learn more about the awesome Steffany. You have a beautiful, authentic heart and your ability to follow Jesus wherever He leads you, is an inspiration to others.

Thank you for being you!

junglemama said...

Wow! I feel like I really know you now! :)

Incognito said...

Love it girl!

Incognito said...

you have turned me into a blog-addict! I can't stop reading blogs! I look at all the ones I have seen off your, I can't get enough!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that the tulips made the list cause we did that together! I also love you!

Brandi said...

LOVE your lists! Great job! I do like this tag thing b/c I learn so much about people!

Love ya,


Ginny said...

I thought I was the only one who says "Silly Nunu" Hmmmm. Do you say silly noodlehead too? How about silly Nunie? These are a few of the variations that I use.

Amber G. said...

I loved your lists! I feel like I know you a lot better now... which is good since I am kind of jumping in mid-way in your blogging adventure. :)


Adam said...