I'm sure many of you know who I am talking about. If not...in summary-. Gedese was an olympic Marathon runner. She competed in the Sydney and the Atlanta Olympics. A year before I met her a drunk driver ran over her while she was training and both her legs were broken. She wasn't able to run anymore, thus slowly selling everything she had and at the same time had just lost her baby in utero at 8 months pregnant. That is about the time I met her while I was picking up my twins in Ethiopia. She was now sick and pregnant and penniless. I brought her home with me and she ended becoming the first "Because Every Mother Matters" momma. With the help of a local doctor and after I sold my van to cover the medical expenses she ended up giving birth to a baby girl, but they both almost died in the process. They are now both back in Ethiopia. Life is rough in Africa and she continues to struggle to support not only herself, daughter, husband, but many family members as well. In spite of the pain she suffered with her broken legs and lost dreams of being an Olympian..she continues to push forward. For the last 6 months she has been working through the pain and is training hard to run again. She was invited to compete in her first competition since the accident. Given that her chances maybe slim to win her "manager" is making her pay her own way to Europe. She called me today ashamed and embarrassed to ask for help..which makes me want to help even more. She needs 200 euro or roughly $300 us dollars to have a chance to not only compete for prize money, but to prove to herself and everyone that she can win! That she is strong. That she is worthy. That she does matter!
I am not in a position financially to personally cover the whole cost. My son Jace donated $40.
If you feel lead to help...please do so SOON. She needs the money ASAP. The race is in October. I will set up a paypal to the right.
She will get there.
I don't see the pay pal yet. I'll pitch in :)
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