Well...this was going to be a photographic journey down memory lane...
It wasn't until I wrote the title that I realized most of my photos I loaded on my home computer were corrupted after the virus...
All my Ethiopia pics...
Unless I blogged or facebooked them are gone.
The photos of the twins..meeting Gedese etc..
So this trip down "memory lane" will be what I can remember.
If you are a mom to biological children..Do you remember when you first realized when you were pregnant? Your first Dr's appointment? The first time you saw the little shape on the ultrasound? The first time you heard the heartbeat? Your fear that every mom experiences that..what if something is wrong with your baby? What if the birth goes wrong? Do you remember stressing about making it to the hospital in time? Or having your midwife come on time? What about when the baby was coming...were you thinking about bringing new life into this world? Did you make sure the nursery was just right? Was your fridge stocked with food?
If you are like me...You have probably had at least one miscarriage...Do you remember when you first felt like something was wrong? Who was the first person you called, other than your husband or significant other? Who held you when you heard your baby died? Did you have a d&c in a hospital? Were you scared? Did you feel alone?
Maybe you are a dad...
an adoptive parent
a daughter
a woman....
a son...
I guarantee your mom...or your child's mom...or a woman in your life has had if not all...most of these thoughts and memories...
on top of all of this you knew....
you had a 1 in 11 chance of dying.
Yeah...it's that time again...$10 Friday. If you are just joining us..Including this Friday, there are 2 more Fridays until Mother's Day.
BECAUSE EVERY MOTHER MATTERS has a goal to raise at least $5k by Mother's Day.
100% of your donations will be used to fund a holistic maternity clinic and infant development center in Ethiopia( the country where my twins were born)
This Friday...for every $10 donation AND by leaving a comment on here or the BECAUSE EVERY MOTHER MATTER's fan page on facebook..
You will be entered in a drawing to win your choice of an
CUSTOM WATER COLOR FAMILY PORTRAIT painted by the same artist who painted our logo.
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It wasn't until I wrote the title that I realized most of my photos I loaded on my home computer were corrupted after the virus...
All my Ethiopia pics...
Unless I blogged or facebooked them are gone.
The photos of the twins..meeting Gedese etc..
So this trip down "memory lane" will be what I can remember.
If you are a mom to biological children..Do you remember when you first realized when you were pregnant? Your first Dr's appointment? The first time you saw the little shape on the ultrasound? The first time you heard the heartbeat? Your fear that every mom experiences that..what if something is wrong with your baby? What if the birth goes wrong? Do you remember stressing about making it to the hospital in time? Or having your midwife come on time? What about when the baby was coming...were you thinking about bringing new life into this world? Did you make sure the nursery was just right? Was your fridge stocked with food?
If you are like me...You have probably had at least one miscarriage...Do you remember when you first felt like something was wrong? Who was the first person you called, other than your husband or significant other? Who held you when you heard your baby died? Did you have a d&c in a hospital? Were you scared? Did you feel alone?
Maybe you are a dad...
an adoptive parent
a daughter
a woman....
a son...
I guarantee your mom...or your child's mom...or a woman in your life has had if not all...most of these thoughts and memories...
on top of all of this you knew....
you had a 1 in 11 chance of dying.
Yeah...it's that time again...$10 Friday. If you are just joining us..Including this Friday, there are 2 more Fridays until Mother's Day.
BECAUSE EVERY MOTHER MATTERS has a goal to raise at least $5k by Mother's Day.
100% of your donations will be used to fund a holistic maternity clinic and infant development center in Ethiopia( the country where my twins were born)
This Friday...for every $10 donation AND by leaving a comment on here or the BECAUSE EVERY MOTHER MATTER's fan page on facebook..
You will be entered in a drawing to win your choice of an
CUSTOM WATER COLOR FAMILY PORTRAIT painted by the same artist who painted our logo.
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