Friday, October 30, 2009

Last Day

I'm out of the hospital.
Somehow I feel a lot less like a dork now.
I have spent the last 5 days of my life in bed thinking
I can't believe running 4 miles did this.
How lame.
Well today I was redeemed.
I have pericarditis
caused by a viral infection.
I'm sure running while being sick didn't help,
but it didn't cause it:)
After spending most of the day on oxygen, ekg's, ultrasounds, morphine and lab work I got to leave.
They are still unsure which direction my pericarditis is going.
I guess it can either resolve without any complications or it can not go so well.
But today on my last day of In Everything Give Thanks Trial
I am thankful to be home with my family tonight.


Kari said...

Thankful you are feeling better.. now get lots of rest before trick or treats in the cold:))
Brave Hearted Chick.... my pick!

Paula said...

I know this is likely to go in one ear and out the other, but rest up and let yourself heal. Glad you're out of the hospital.

Beautiful Mess said...

God bless you sweet sister!

Thankful for you!

Jenny said...

I'm so sorry!
Jenny at