Saturday, December 22, 2007

Do you ever have one of those weeks when all you want to do is cry?


Laura said...

Are you sure you're not pregnant?! Yes, I too have those weeks. Especially this time of year. For people I cannot see, for people no longer here. For the expectations and the disappointment. I read an article today about God's perserverance through all of the emotions and questions we deal with. He perserveres for us because He has a greater plan and desire to bring us through the valleys as well as celebrate with us on the mountain tops. I love you Steffany. He loves you too. You are such a blessing to so many. Crying will cease and joy will return. See you on the next mountain top and I'll always be available in the valleys. Laura

Saline County, Arkansas Photos said...

Perfect husband. Perfect kids. Perfect house. Why cry?

Emily said...

You have had a tough go ahead and cry..... But understand their is a plan in all the crazyiness and you will be rewarded for your faithfulness!

Ginny said...

Yes as a matter of fact, this past week has been one of them. I am not pregnant, are you?? Sometimes the world just gets ya down.

Sean and Lisa said...

Oh Steffany,
I have many, many of those! Sometimes it's due to my circumstances, sometimes it's due to other people I know~ their circumstances. I am a feeler and I often get overwhelmed by my emotions...I want to do so much in this world yet often feel so small and insignificant. I have a sense you and I might be alot alike! You have had an emotionally hard year and I believe it's healthy to cry and let some of those feelings go. In spite of your wonderful life tears sometimes are inevitable....and necessary. I know God isn't surprised by your tears and He lovingly wraps His arms around you and rocks you gently whispering in your ear Steffany, my good and faithful servant. I am so pleased with you! You can't see what I am doing through all of this but trust Me it will be SO WORTH IT!!
Praying the "so worth it" will become evident in this New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

That was my day today. I actually had a meltdown the in the grocery store.

steffany said...

Thank you everyone! You all blessed me.

And- No, I'm not pregnant. Hormonal maybe, but not pregnant. Though with the adoptions I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER :)

HollyAnn said...

We should have talked! I had one of those weeks at just the same time you did! I did cry....lots!