Friday, December 14, 2007

I Found the Cure!

One blog addict + one adorable baby = Cure for blog addictions.

I have not been purposefully neglecting my blog reading duties, just completely sidetracked. I had the privilege of taking care of the cutest baby boy the last few days. BLISS! The 2nd day was the best, I got to have one cutest baby ever, a super cool 2 year old boy and a beautiful 10 year old girl spend the day with me too. I loved every minute. I'm sooooo ready for more kids. Like NOW!

Okay, I have a slight confession, I still read everyone's blog- I just didn't have the time (to enamored with all the kids) to comment.

Sorry, I promise to get back on track with obsessively reading about your life.


Incognito said...

FUN FUN FUN!!! You are such an awesome woman!!!

Laura Lu said...

Glad you got your "fix"!!!! Missed you while you weren't bloggin' for us! :)

Sean and Lisa said...

Nothing like smelling that sweet baby smell and cuddling cute baby cheeks to open a heart to MORE children! Praying that God is already making the paths straight for your MORE to come soon!
Glad you enjoyed your days but I did miss you!!!