This Friday's theme is-
My Three Weddings!
Yes, I have been married THREE times! (To the same amazing man)
First wedding-We eloped. We got married in Las Vegas at the Little White Wedding Chapel. In hind sight I do NOT recommend this option. We were two little scared kids. Adam made a vow to stay pure before marriage and lets just say Vegas was our scape goat.
9months later Jace was born.

Second wedding was our originally planned first wedding. It happened 4 months after our Vegas wedding and yes I was beginning to show. It was a Renaissance Wedding. It was amazing! It was a potluck in the middle of a field. Cost us nothing. I was teaching at that time and all my kids were the wedding party. I also had a best man and maid of honor. Except for the fact I had just lost Jace's twin in utero and was basically ordered to bed rest-it was perfect. Unfortunately most of our family decided not to come. During our ceremony two hawks/eagles were circling over our heads.

Third wedding I was 7 months pregnant with McKayley. We wanted to finally get married under God and with our church family. It was so beautiful and again free! We had any members of church that wanted to renew their vows stand up with us. There was a couple that had many married for over 40 years renew that day. Our pastor and his family were some of our best friends and that made it so special to us.
Yes, I have been married three times. Each time it felt like the first time. I really pray God continues to put those two words in my heart every day,"I DO." But then again like everything it's a choice. A choice I freely make each and everyday. I choice I fight tooth and nail be married to the most amazing man ever.
I have been following your blog for quite sometime and have never commented. I just wanted you to know what an inspiration I think you are. You give me hope, peace & joy through all your writings. You are truly a blessing to all you have touched. Peace be with you.
Great pictures of your weddings!!! I'm looking forward to the circus post.
You always make me smile! Love you!
I have to meet you live and in person some day... you are so awesome! Love your wedding pictures, love that you had three weddings and I must hear about your circus days. How many people can talk about their circus days?!
The first picture brought tears to my eyes and I don't think it is because of pregnancy hormones. The simplistic passion that is summed up in that one photo is beyond beautiful!! Even if you were young! So was I and I don't regret one minute of getting to spend so many of my days with Mark!
Once again...I am amazed at your life. You are one interesting gal. Great pictures. And thanks for sharing.
this totally makes me laugh...and why i love you!!! love the Vegas pic!!!!
let's go somewhere warm together!
You know what's so weird about all these weddings? I never knew about them until afterwards. Well, obviously the first one no one knew about. The second one, I remember seeing pictures of afterwards but didn't know it was going on. The 3rd one I just found out about right now. If I were older during all that time I'd have been there. I can't believe mom didn't come to the 2nd one. Well, I guess I can. I'm sorry we didn't come.
I only knew about wedding #2! You are one of the most amazing women I know and I so wish I could pick your brain and visit with you daily. Thanks for sharing your flash back! I have had Gadese on my heart the last few days--I want to look in to Links International and their water project...I will get back with you with details. Love you so much!
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE write about your circus days? Or, lets just run away for a weekend, lay by a pool (we can do that in FL!), dream about Africa, laugh our heads off and oh yeah. .hear about your circus days. I'll make up some kind of crap to make you laugh since my life has been BORING!
hehe. . .love you and loved this post! Each one of your weddings was adorable!
LOVE these pictures! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
Such a free spirit. So cool.
WOW! That is awesome! What a GREAT flashback!!
When I first read this, I didn't have time to comment...but this is just another thing that confirms you are the coolest person I've never met ;o)
Hey there! It's another Stephanie. I'm finally posting one here. I just joined FB a little while ago, so it's nice to see you there too. I just wanted to comment because sometimes I feel you are the bizzaro me. Although you say you don't recommend it, Dean and I were married at the Little White Wedding chapel as well. Only I was 27 and he was 30. I found it kind of interesting.
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