My one long run-on sentence attempt to address the above
Lately, I have felt overwhelmed with people thinking I'm special or the work I do in Africa is extraordinary, when actually I am nothing more than a woman in all reality who shouldn't even still be alive and decided to share a little of my past with you to help you understand that where you come from and your past is NOT who you are...but after everyone's response about my orphan post, I felt sad you thought I was healing or hurting(my fault for writing it in more than one post and leaving first post the way I did)...just the opposite really...I am a new creature and very healed thanks to HIS love and in that light and realization..let's move on to..launched our "back to basic" program and have spent many sleepless nights waiting for my email to tell me another momma can live because YOU bought a simple awesome....90 women and babies have the basics...Did I mention MOPS International is developing a program that will impact 500 moms and a whole community in Ethiopia...and that those very moms told me to carry their burden home when I met them in March and I have, but need $14, 000 for them which will be raised partly through our Tacky 4 Africa" headbands....oh my gosh...did I tell that I sold only 14 since March...I haven't given a check to the refugees in 2 months..., but I have 50 here that I already paid for, because I pay them upfront... and I'm offering a Spring Cleaning deal where you can buy 2 for $15...wait! Almaz and Fekede my twins parents are going to run BEMM's first house for street mothers in Nekemte and we are hoping to fund a midwifery training program in the village Gadese is from....Oh yeah before I forget.....

If you want one like the one I'm wearing...
order them on my blog or website and in the notes write
Cute headband
We will also be re-designing our website soon
can be found at
Yes. Much easier than
back to the headbands
seriously though
the refugees need money.
In order to pay them
I am not one to beg for my own needs...
I will beg for others...
Buy a cute headband or two.
right now I'm doing Spring Cleaning and will sell the 50 I have for 2 for $15.
I already paid them for these and can't afford to buy more fabric and pay them to sew another batch until our sales pick up.
Bottom line.
Will the money still go to them?
Yes. (in a way)
I have actually already paid them out of my own pocket (like I always do) for this batch they made in Feb. The sale of these 50 headbands will go towards new fabric so they can make a new batch and earn money and the other revenue will go towards the MOPS International program.
Why am I telling you this?
I know when I buy things to "help" people...
I really do care how my money is being used.
I want you to know that all money either directly donated to BEMM or products purchased through us....really does directly impact people.
Yep. So, here I am...
asking you to help us
make a difference
in the life of another.
Buy a headband or 2,3,4,5 that will help local refugees and MOPS international
Buy a Simple card for Mother's Day that will help provide the basics for a momma to simply live.
Organize a fundraiser in your MOPS group or group of friends.
Sell Simple Cards.
Tacky 4 Africa headbands.
Are you creative?
Have a product we can sell?
Spread the word.
Join us on Facebook
Talk to your local birthing center.
Join the bandit crew of
Because Every Mother Matters.
Only requirement
Be real
get messy
yes. you. you are needed. just as you are.