Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blindly Following

I don't think leaving for Uganda and Ethiopia in a little over 3 weeks has sunk in yet. I'm not a huge planner. That's obvious. However, I did manage to schedule my shots tomorrow. I already survived Typhoid once, I have no desire to go through that again.

So, what exactly am I going to do in Uganda?

Still figuring that one out. The itinerary is planned. Children's Hope Chest and Brandi know what they're doing. But do I? Not really. I do have the vision God gave me and 5 of you are suppose to be a part of it. I just don't know which 5. That's for you to decide. If you're reading this and you feel that 'feeling'- You know the one- That pit in your stomach like you know God is talking to you- Then email/call me.

The funny thing is... If you're being pulled- You don't even need the details. You just know. Ha-I love that about God. I love that about obedience. I just follow- I trust. It's the most amazing feeling in the the world .


Erica said...

Hmm....lets talk. Your so cryptic sometimes. I love it.

Becky said...

Let's just say if baby girl's arrival wasn't imminent I would be hoping to be "one of the 5". Can't wait to hear more.

Christi said...

I always have "that feeling", and it never goes away. I want to go back so, so bad. Maybe one of these days...

Kelly said...

I wish it was me...I talked to Brandi today. I would LOVE to go but my dear husband is not wild about the idea. He isn't feeling "it." Maybe in August???? I am praying for you guys!!