I love this picture. It was the first time Diezel played with Lukas. Until this point the twins pretty much ignored Lukas. It was awesome watching the three toddlers and their big sis digging in the rocks.

Gadese had fun braiding McKayley and Faith's hair. It is so cool to watch McKayley with the twins. She is such an amazing big sister. She has a beautiful nurturing heart.

This was totally spontaneous. Daizey emptied the book shelf and climbed in. We all had a great laugh.

This completely warms my heart. The babies randomly walk up to Lukas and give him big hugs.
Great pictures!!! Thanks for taking the time to share them with us. Still praying for you all...
What great pictures!
Awwwww...now I'm sad...I MISS them! Diezel's face is filling out more...Yay! And both of them look like their hair is growing in.
You have such ADORABLE kids, Mama!
Do I see a DOG in the background??? Great to see him back home! : ) The kids look spectacular! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These pics are so amazing. Nunu looks so big and grown up. I love it.
oh my gosh they all look amazing! i can't believe how big luke is getting since i haven't been around him consistently... he looks so old!?
and Clover is back??? you'll have to explain that one.
What a beautiful family you have!!Love the pictures! We are praying for you-hope you start feeling better soon!
I love the pictures! Everyone looks so adorable and happy! I especially love the one of Daizey on the bookshelf. My daughter never follows up with something cute like that after emptying a bookshelf.
They are precious.... and in regards to your comment on my blog.... I am thinking a warm , sunny... tropical-like place... you tell me... AND I AM SO THERE
awww....they are all so precious. your big kids look like they are enjoying their new siblings. praying things are smoothing out for you.
ALL of your children are SO beautiful!
Those are the sweetest babies!!!!!! You all deserve so much happiness :)
Thanks a bunch for sharing these! It looks like they are all doing great together! I hope things are going better for you and that you start feeling better soon!!
Precious babies! ALL of them!
Thanks for sharing! So cute!!!
oh my gosh! they are SO beautiful!!
Those pictures just warm my heart! I pray each passing day is better and better!
Great photos. Thanks for the smile. :)
I love this. . the first normal post! Maybe a corner is being turned?! Those kids are stinkin' cute, what can I say?! Love the one of Daizey in the bookshelf and of the kiddos hugging! Those are my fave's!
Talk to you soon,
those pictures melt me
Thanks for sharing the awesome pictures! What a bunch of cutie pies you have!!!!
So sweet. They are looking healthy and happy.
The twins look fantastic and oh so healthy. Sorry to hear you're not feeling up to par. I hope it passes soon. How can I avoid this misery if I ever make it to Ethiopia :o)
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